Payment / Dispatch

Shipping and handling costs

For Germany:

From an order value of more than 200 € we deliver within the borders of Germany free house.

Below we charge for shipping with DHL (package) 7.95 €, alternatively, we offer the shipment of minigolf balls with Deutsche Post/"Warenpost" for 3,99 € as standard option; order values 130€ and above will be shipped with DHL parcel for 5.99€.

Premium DHL-Shipping is free starting with an purchase value of 200€.



Shipping within the EU:

With Deutsche Post (only balls): from 6,99 €

Premium shipping with DHL: from 13,99 €

Worldwide (non EU):

Shipping with Deutsche Post: from 6,20 €.


For payment for deliveries abroad, we only accept payment in advance.

The prices are EXW - cash on delivery.
The delivery is always uninsured and at the expense and risk of the recipient, as far as the customer / customer is not an end user.
Complaints can only be considered if they are received within 14 days of the invoice date.


Property and Jurisdiction:
The delivered goods remain our property until full payment.

Place of performance and jurisdiction is Regensburg, Germany. As far as permissible the law of the FRG is to be used.


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